Pre and Post Surgical Instructions

Your animal is getting ready to undergo a major medical procedure. To best prepare, we recommend giving a bath 1-2 days prior, since they cannot be bathed for the next 10 days. No food is to be given after midnight the night before. Restricting food is important as sedation can sometimes cause vomiting leading to aspiration. They are allowed a small amount of water in the morning. Your animal will not have the chance to use the restroom during their time with us. It is of utmost importance they are given the opportunity before checking in to do so.

Anesthesia can upset an animal’s stomach. Offer food and water in very small amounts for the first 12 hours following surgery. Don’t be concerned if your pet doesn’t want to eat the first 12 – 24 hours following surgery. If vomiting occurs, remove food and water for 12 hours, then gradually reintroduce water. Once your animal is holding down water, gradually reintroduce a bland diet such as rice with their regular commercial dog food. Appetite should return within 24 hours of surgery. Do not change the animal’s diet at this time.

Restrict your pet’s activity for 7 days following surgery. Do not allow running, jumping, or wrestling with other pets or children. Keep your pet clean and dry for at least 7 days following surgery. Do not bathe or allow your pet’s incision to become wet.

Do not allow your pet to lick or chew at the incision. If this occurs, an Elizabethan collar (cone) MUST be applied to prevent additional licking/chewing that could cause an infection or opening of the incision. An Elizabethan collar (cone) can be purchased at a veterinary clinic or pet store.

Minimal redness and swelling of the surgery site should resolve within several days. Check your pet’s incision daily for signs of infection such as discharge, swelling, and wound opening. Keep in mind that it takes at least 7 days for incisions to fully heal and some changes are expected. All sutures are internal and will dissolve on their own. If the incision appears to become inflamed, infected, or doesn’t appear to be healing, please contact us or another veterinarian.

We will make every reasonable effort to treat any post-operative complications resulting directly from the surgery. If you have any questions or concerns, please text 832-510-9431 during our business hours, Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Please note that we are not an emergency service and after-hours messages are not checked regularly; however, we do our best to respond within 24 hours.

Contact a veterinarian IMMEDIATELY if you notice ANY of the following: pale gums, lethargy, severe diarrhea or vomiting, discharge or bleeding from the incision, or labored breathing.

DO NOT GIVE HUMAN MEDICATION TO THE ANIMAL. It is dangerous and can be fatal.

Please contact your nearest emergency clinic if you have any concerns after hours.

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